Saturday, February 19, 2011

Naomi and Matt - Take 2

With the flooding disaster in SE QLD Matt and Naomi had some problems with guests being able to make it to their reception. The solution? Delay the reception by two weeks! It was a great atmosphere as everyone arrived at the reception venue. Almost like a family reunion. It was great to watch people chatting and sharing stories of travel and all the events of the past few weeks. Great fun.

Simon and Georgia E-Shoot

January always seems to fly by. Before long it was February and Simon and Georgia's wedding was only 6 weeks away so it was time to get to it and we arranged to spend an afternoon together for their engagement shoot. I think everyone is nervous before getting photos taken but it took no time at all for Simon and Georgia to settle in. Check out the pic of the rings. Sparkle, Sparkle! A great contrast of locations too, as we went to some areas that had been affected by the floods waters just a few weeks ago and then to the escarpment with the spectacular views. Hard to believe they are only 5 minutes drive apart. Watch this space for some more pics of Simon and Georgia. This time the wedding. Very exciting!! P.S Don't forgot to check out the pic of the rings. Sparkle, Sparkle!

Ruth and Bryce

When i arrived at the hotel there was defintely lots of activity in the girls room before the wedding.  Manicures, music selection, hairdressing, make-up, speech writing. It was all happening. Despite all this the girls arrived to the ceremony on time (almost). It was the first time i photographed a wedding in the grounds at Preston Manor and it is a beautiful setting. With the manors verandah, a bit of a breeze and great views the aftenoon was super relaxed. There is so many great places around Preston and Hodgsonvale so we didn't have to go far to find a secret location. While doing some photos the people who owned a house nearby came out with some beers for the boys and wine for the girls. Great hospitality. I think the girls may have even used the house for a comfort stop. Thank you anonymous house owner for looking after everyone.

Tiffany and Andrew

The day had finally arrived for Andrew and Tiffany. After getting some great shots during their e-shoot i was keen to be a part of their wedding. I have to say that they have great taste. The songs and readings that they had at their wedding ceremony were the same that i had at my wedding a few years ago. Their was a really sense of romance and celebration all day through out the wedding and my job as the photographer was to capture a piece. Have a look at the pics and hopefully they will inspire some romantic and celebratory vibe for you.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Naomi and Matt

I felt like i was shooting a celebrity wedding today. With Toowoomba being the centre of international news this week due to the 'inland tsunami' the fact that Matt and Naomi were going ahead with their wedding attracted some media attention. Naomi had featured on ABC radio and Matt had a triple J interview the day before the wedding. Even when i arrived to get some photos of the girls preparations Naomi was doing an interview for the Courier Mail. After the ceremeony and location photos we headed into the centre of town to get a couple of shots around the flood wreckage to mark the date of the wedding. It was crazy to see the devastion and to realise how destrucive the water must have been. All day, Matt and Naomi looked so happy together and despite all the hassles with organsining a wedding in a disaster zone, everything was perfect. Except the reception was delayed a couple of weeks. Watch this space for reception photos soon.